How to teach children to use the Internet safely? This is a question that every
parent has thought about. They know that the Internet is a magical entity capable
of answering obscure questions; Provide printable templates for almost all
coloring animals; and provide looping videos. What they don’t know is all about
viruses, online privacy, phishing, social media etiquette, and any other internet
safety issue you can think of. Because of that, all the Best CBSE Schools in
Chhattisgarh have taken the initiative to make their students aware about
Internet safety.
Teaching them about it now and in the future is very important, and the challenge
of getting it right is daunting.
Here are five main tips to keep your kids safe online

1. Involvement
Get involved in your child’s online life. Discuss online security the same way you
would talk about security in real life. Watch for changes in your child’s mood and
general behavior when he/she is online; a change may indicate that something is
happening in their online life (e.g. bullying, harassment, intimidation and access to
age-appropriate content). Make sure your child knows that he can come to you if
something happens online that upsets / scares him.

2. Talk and set limits
First and foremost, talk to your child about responsible phone and internet use.
Every best CBSE school in Chhattisgarh will suggest you to keep conversations
open and positive so the child feels safe when they have questions or concerns.
Have multiple conversations about safe digital practices over time as your child’s

interests develop and change.
Have clear rules that you and your child agree to follow. Let your children know
that you are monitoring their internet usage. Make a safety plan for your children.
It is important for your child to know that you are trying to protect him, not spy
on him, and that working as a united team can help identify potential problems
before real problems arise.

3. Model good practices
It’s okay to advise the children on the safe and appropriate use of technology and
social media, but if parents don’t do what they preach, their advice is often
ignored. It shouldn’t be “do as I say” not as I do when it comes to using social
media and technology. It is important that parents lead by example and
demonstrate good practice for their children; Internet etiquette and appropriate
use of technology should apply to all family members.

4. Knowledge
There is always some level of concern when a new app comes out and how it
might be used to bully/harass/groom etc. Parents can keep up to date with new
apps and websites by visiting sites that offer reviews of new sites/apps/games etc.
According to the best CBSE Schools in Chhattisgarh, parents must have the
password for all app downloads so that you can try the app before installing it on
your child’s device. Keep in mind that some kids hide their apps in folders on their
home screen so parents won’t see the icon right away! Also be aware of multiple
accounts, which are often set up to avoid parental monitoring.
Some parents are very active online, talk to them; ask them to show you the
basics. Know your child’s online friends and followers. It can seem daunting when
they have hundreds or even thousands of friends or followers online. The reality is
that they don’t talk about or examine them until they are twenty or thirty. So you
should know them; they are the ones who can influence your child, either

positively or negatively.

5. Security
Use an internet security suite including firewall, anti-spyware, etc. on all devices.
For younger kids,we should focus on “avoiding online risk,” so enable parental
controls and filter the devices they use. Know their account details for the
websites/apps they use. As the kids get older, parents should focus on online risk
management, so explain their security and privacy settings, show them how to
block/report, etc. Advise your child not to share their device/account passwords,
even with their best friends. Explain the terms and conditions of the
websites/apps they use. They will thank you even if they tell you that they already
Wrapping up
It takes effort but Best CBSE Schools in Chhattisgarh keep track of what kids are
doing online and also teach them about the importance of internet safety. Still, as
a parent it’s a good idea to take steps to monitor who they talk to, where they go,
and what they see and download.
It’s also a good idea to talk about online citizenship regularly and find out if your
kids are still okay with the house rules. The goal is to keep your children safe
online while developing safe and smart online habits.
If you re spending more time at home with your kids, voluntarily or out of
necessity, you’ll be glad you took the time to get them online.

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